Oct 23, 2014

Suzanne Does Free Guides UPDATED AGAIN

Suzanne of the Hugs and Stitches blog is sticking her toe into stitch guide territory by offering to share the steps she took for the projects she worked on her own and posted about on her blog.

UPDATE:  Here is more of her Santa piece.  This is one of the designs she is doing a stitch plan for.




Here is what Suzanne stays of what she calls "stitching plans"--

I am trying to keep up with my "stitching plans" but I will at least throw one together if someone asks for it.  So if you decide you want the plan for any of these projects that I created myself, just let me know via email and I can send you the pdf guide for reference and ideas.  Until I consider myself a professional stitch guide writer, there is no fee. And since it's free, there is no pressure for it to be perfect...so, there's THAT.   heehee

I do not re-release any guide that was written or provided by a shop/writer, only those that were my creation in entirety.  thank you.

No, Suzanne, thank YOU!

Everybody, take a browse and see if anything Suzanne has created from scratch catches your fancy.  She's willing to help you out, which is very nice of her.

UPDATE #2:  Suzanne shows off her paid guides here.  She's also added a tab on her blog with a list of her available guides (second link below).


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