May 16, 2014

Enriched Stitches Showcases Models with Stitch Guides UPDATED

Sometimes it is hard to find a photograph showing the finished piece worked by the stitch guide you are interested in.  After all, many stitch guide writers create a guide without actually working the piece and their customer never shares a photograph of it finished, so the outcome is a bit of a mystery.

I love a mystery myself but not everyone does. so it is nice to see Enriched Stitch's finished models for which they have guides.  In the link below you'll see Christmas and Halloween pieces with guides by the shop or Vicky DeAngelis or Julia Snyder.  All the guides are available through the shop.

UPDATE:  Enriched Stitch is posting photographs of their finished pieces on their Facebook page. Guides are available for all of these.

UPDATE #2:  Suzie shows off some of their available guides on the shop blog.

UPDATE #3:  The Enriched Stitch website has a page showing all their available stitch guides.

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