Mar 12, 2013

New Stitch Guides for New Melissa Shirley Canvases

Melissa Shirley must keep very busy designing new things.  Even though some of her designs are licensed from fellow artists, most of the new things that come from her studio are created by her.  So she keeps a lot of stitch guide writers very busy creating guides to enhancing and stitching these beauties.  Here's a roundup of the latest guides for the latest canvases, with the guide writer's name in parantheses.

Berry Basket (Carolyn Hedge Baird of Chaparral)

Rosy Cupcake (Cynthia Thomas)

Sweet Hearts - small pink heart ornaments (Laurie Walden)

Texas Basket (Carolyn Hedge Baird of Chaparral)

Valentine House- three dimensional design (Jan Ayeroff of Aristeia)

Stitch guides are underway for the Easter and Valentine crackers (Palma Seljan) but they aren't ready yet.

Enriched Stitch has finished their guide for Melissa's Peacock Ginger Jar.  They are teaching this as a class (which you can take via Skype if you wish) but the guide should be available separately as well.

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