Aug 29, 2010

The Needle Deeva Is Ready UPDATED

The Needle Deeva's new website already has a section for stitch guides which has just been filled with lots of information about the guides available for these canvases.  So far, guides by Vicky DeAngelis, Robin King, Cynthia Thomas and Debbie Bowers are listed but there are no photos of Debbie's guides yet.  This is a work in progress.

UPDATE:  Janet Perry talks about her Needle Deeva stitch guides here.

UPDATE #2:  Needle Orts Inc. has stitch guides for Needle Deeva's Rhett and Scarlett O'Hare canvases.


Robin said...

Thanks for posting the update, Jane. I am hoping to see my Stitch Guide posted here... the NeedleDeeva Heart #150G is available. This is the piece I stitched and taught at the Columbus TNNA.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

For folks who are curious about Robin's Needle Deeva heart, you can see it here--

Sadly, I can't make URLs clickable in the comments but this one is worthy of a copy/paste!